Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Well, it has been a while since either one of us have said anything on here! Yes, we are alive and we are doing well. We have been doing the normal things in life, of work and church! Sunday, we had a wonderful day! One of our largest crowds and there wasn't a special occasion, and the kids were not doing anything special, the Lord just blessed us with a full house and it was great! We also had two more families join our church, what a blessing, we are growing! We had a meeting for the whole church last night, the men had a meeting and the women had "Ladies Nite Out" (our monthly ladies meeting) there were 24 people that came out and we had a table of desserts, for everyone to share when the meetings were over!

We're really learning to enjoy East Texas, and we are so excited about the time when we can move over to Kilgore!! No Longview, is not that far away, but we want to be closer to the church, and the community. We're learning Kilgore pretty well, we know Longview very well, just ask, we can tell you where just about any store or restaurant are, Not that we should, but we can find the food!! But, we still have 6 months on our lease, we're hoping that we will be able to find something here in town when the time arises!

We will begin working some more on the church again soon!! We want to get the halls and classrooms painted and new carpet put down. We would also like to put a kitchen in the other building, and continue using the large room for the fellowship hall. It won't be a complete kitchen at first, but as time goes on we will do all the necessary work and get it finished. We are so excited about what the Lord is doing here, and the renewing spirit that is taking place. In the buildings, but most especially in our hearts!

We serve a Mighty God and He is worthy of our praise!!!