Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chili Cook-off

Hello. Well we promised to get back with some pictures. I have a couple shots of our "Big-Texas" chili cook-off and bake-off. Also, we got our new roof finished and I have a before and after shot.

As far as other updates, we have our first church work day this Saturday. Lots, and Lots to do. Also, we have our sweetheart banquet on Valentines day. We are having the Banquet at the church. Becky and I are playing chef. We are having steaks on the grill and plenty of good fixins to go with it. (Does that sound Texan?!) I am sure there will be more pictures to follow.

Until later I want to leave a verse exclaiming how we feel, because God is Good!
Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart. -Psalm 73:11 (KJV)

God Bless

The Ladies Judge the Men's Chili

The Men Judged the Ladies' Pies

The Winners

Roof Before
