Friday, July 24, 2009

We're doing Fine!

We are doing fine! We have been visiting with Scott's parents. We did some site seeing while they were here. We went to the Brookshire Museum, the Rose Garden in Tyler, and also the Board Walk in Sherveport, LA. I think that we all enjoyed our time together! We also got in a couple of card games, which we won't mention who won. It was an ugly time when it came to that!!! We have some photo's I will have Scott post those soon! We still didn't get around to seeing the Oil Museum, maybe sometime in the future!

We went last weekend to check on a camp, that has been given to the Temple Baptist Church & Clarence Sexton, to run. The camp's name is Independent Baptist Youth Camp. It was a very encouraging time for both of us. Scott was not able to get peace about what camp to send the kids to camp this year, so they didn't get the opportunity to go. We have been praying that the Lord would direct us to the camp He wanted us to attend. After the meeting it truly felt like we had an answer to prayer! The philosophy is what we want our kids to be exposed to, and Pastor Sexton, wants camp to always be an uplifting place for our kids to be at. We sure do miss the camp that we were attending in Georgia! Venture of Faith was our answer to prayer in Florida and we're praying this camp will be the same for us here!! One of the great things is that the camp is only 3 to 4 hours away from us! Less travel time. Also it's close enough that we can take the teens and juniors on seperate weeks. We're already heard from one of our teens that teens going by themselves was going to be fun! Anyway that was truly and encouragement to both of us!

We are having a "VBS" this week, and no it's not Vacation Bible School. We're having Vision Building School. We will all sit down together and share what we want to have the church do to reach our community, but how we can also help each other have a closer walk with the Lord. Where do you want to see your church in 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 years from now. We want the kids to realize that this is their church as well, and their opions really do matter! We're both very excited about what this can do for our church! But more importantly it has potenial of bringing us all closer to the Lord if we will allow that to happen!

Next month we will have one of our teens going off to college, the church will really miss having her, around all the time. We are all excited about her desire to attend Champion, and we're all excited to see how her life will change because of this step away from home, and what she is really comfortable with. She will do wonderfully! So pray for Donna, and also her parents, their nest will be empty, so just keep the whole family in prayer!

Scott and I will be celebrating 21 years of marriage next month also! Boy, it seems like only yesterday, we were those two young kids walking down the isle, our life truly has changed since then! The Lord has truly blessed our lives together! We have done some really fun things together, and the Lord has moved us all over, but we've been together so it couldn't have been any better! I am thankful that God allowed the two of us to be together all these years, I am grateful for the wonderful loving husband, who really loves the Lord, and really wants to please Him! I have the BEST HUSBAND in the whole world!

Enough of the running on! Keep us in your prayers, we're going to start working on the Church some more next month, we need to start on the Sunday School areas and get those cleaned up and up to date! More work, it shouldn't take long, but it will be exciting to get it all finished! So keep checking back, I am sure Scott will post those pics. also!